Evaluation of Business Coaching for Start-Ups
Client: Federal Ministry of Economics and Technology, Federal Ministry of Labor and Social Affairs
Project Duration: 2010-2013
Download: Project Report (in German)
Additional information: Click here
Cooperation Partners: infas Bonn
Short Description:
During the first five years after start-up, entrepreneurs in Germany can receive public funding for external business coaching, within the program “Gründercoaching Deutschland”. The program was introduced in October 1, 2007 and one year later extended by a variant especially designed for start-ups out of unemployment (“Gründercoaching Deutschland – Gründungen aus Arbeitslosigkeit”). For the latter program the coverage rate of the coaching costs is higher and the period of eligibility is restricted to one year after start-up. Both programs aim to increase the sustainability of business start-ups and have become an important part of entrepreneurial support programs in Germany. Together with Prof. Dr. Kritikos (DIW Berlin) and the Institute for Applied Social Science (infas), IZA conducts this research project to evaluate the effectiveness and efficiency of both instruments. Based on the evaluation results, the project team will also give policy advice with respect to the prospective organization of the programs’ set up.
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